Second Life Wiki

The Founder of Black Talon, Martial has been highly controversial, and has received criticism from all walks of Second Life. Black Talon, his military group on the Teen Grid has switched hands throughout its lifespan. At the time of this writing, May 2007, Talon has existed for over a year.

Weapon and Armor Creator[]

Throughout Talon's existence, along with other similar "spin off" groups he had created, there have been many different weapons and sets of armor he has created. One of his more famous works being the ND1 / ND1R armor. Also, he created many of the mako guns and hc weapons that many major armies use. At times Martial sold his weapons, and armor to other Militaries for extended use. Martial's weapons remained popular up until his banning.


Recently, Martial was banned from the Teen Grid, due to be involved in a simulator-crashing bomb, which caused the banning of several other military leaders. Martial also has come under fire for being "racist" towards Furries and Furry Fan groups on the Teen Grid. Along with Richard Diller, as they ran Black Talon, along with Blue Backbite, their criticism towards Furries has varied.

(September 2006) Besides being banned recently, controversy was caused during a liaison, Mia Linden, appearing at Black Talon's headquarters, Wind Dragon, and deleting a poster reported by a Furry as being discriminative against users who believe in anthropomorphism.
